My Story
When I was a child, my mother taught me to ask for three things when I prayed; wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Of course, such virtues are not simply given, you must be burned to learn before it is earned.
Experience has taught me that all my struggles were simply part of a long initiation ritual and process. After years of deep personal growth, I have been called to share my wisdom with you and to the world.
What is Indracou?
Our goal is to be the digital stone in which humanity's collective knowledge and wisdom is carved into - for all time. By doing this, we would create a generational school and platform that allows people to learn and share some of life's deepest and most hidden truths.
This is necessary because some truths are universal and as old as time, while others are newer, more fluid, harder to define and more personal. However, regardless of their nature, we allow people from all walks of life to state their wisdom for the world to see and adopt.
You are on a path and have been chosen to learn from us, whilst we learn from you. Now, take your time and find the message that adds the most clarity and fire towards your purpose and journey in this life-time.
Message me to chat anytime Niagara Falls, Ontario